List of Gis file extensions

There are many different gis file extensions and gis file types used with computers, and you'll find an entire list of gis file extensions and types on our computer files and file extensions page. It is impossible to remember all file extensions and their associated software programs.

Below is the list of gis file extensions, broken into categories by sort of files along with the developer and available 100% free online gis file tools and apps.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.3D Survex 3D Cavern File Free 3D Apps
.3DC iGO 3D Building File Free 3DC Apps
.3DD ArcGlobe Document Free 3DD Apps
.3DL iGO Landmark File Free 3DL Apps
.477 MNS Shape Definition Companion File Free 477 Apps
.ADF ESRI ArcInfo Binary Grid Format Free ADF Apps
.APL ArcPad Layer File Free APL Apps
.APR ArcView Project File Free APR Apps
.AQM AlpineQuest Map File Free AQM Apps
.AT5 Lowrance Map File Free AT5 Apps
.ATX ArcGIS Attribute Index File Free ATX Apps
.AUX Auxiliary File Free AUX Apps
.AVL ArcView Legend File Free AVL Apps
.AXE AutoRoute Map File Free AXE Apps
.AXT Microsoft AutoRoute Template Free AXT Apps
.BIL ESRI BIL File Free BIL Apps
.BPW Bitmap World File Free BPW Apps
.BT Binary Terrain File Free BT Apps
.CML OGC Web Map Context Document Free CML Apps
.COR Trimble Corrected SSF File Free COR Apps
.CSF GeoMedia Coordinate System File Free CSF Apps
.CUB ISIS Cube File Free CUB Apps
.CVI CassiniVision Map Image File Free CVI Apps
.CXF Coordinates Export Format Free CXF Apps
.DEM Digital Elevation Model Free DEM Apps
.DIV DIVA-GIS Project File Free DIV Apps
.DIX DIVA-GIS Export File Free DIX Apps
.DLG Digital Line Graph Free DLG Apps
.DMF Geosystem Digitals Map File Free DMF Apps
.DMT DeLorme Transfer File Free DMT Apps
.DT0 DTED Level 0 File Free DT0 Apps
.DT1 DTED Level 1 File Free DT1 Apps
.DT2 DTED Level 2 File Free DT2 Apps
.DVC IDRISI Vector Definition File Free DVC Apps
.E00 ArcInfo Coverage Export File Free E00 Apps
.EMBR Spatial Geodatabase File Free EMBR Apps
.ERS ER Mapper Data File Free ERS Apps
.EST Streets & Trips Map File Free EST Apps
.ETA Google Earth Placemark File Free ETA Apps
.FBL iGO Map File Free FBL Apps
.FDS FME Custom Format File Free FDS Apps
.FFS FME Desktop Feature Store File Free FFS Apps
.FIT Garmin Activity File Free FIT Apps
.FLS ArcView GIS Windows Help Supporting File Free FLS Apps
.FME FME Mapping File Free FME Apps
.FMI FME Include File Free FMI Apps
.FMV FME Desktop Viewspace File Free FMV Apps
.FMW FME Workbench File Free FMW Apps
.GFW GIF World File Free GFW Apps
.GLB STK Globe File Free GLB Apps
.GMAP Garmin Map File Free GMAP Apps
.GMF Geology Multi-File Free GMF Apps
.GML Geography Markup Language File Free GML Apps
.GPF Geosoft Project File Free GPF Apps
.GPRX Geoxa Project File Free GPRX Apps
.GPS Survey Pro Coordinate File Free GPS Apps
.GRB GRIB Meteorological Data File Free GRB Apps
.GSB Golden Software Boundary File Free GSB Apps
.GSI Golden Software Interchange File Free GSI Apps
.GSM MapViewer Project File Free GSM Apps
.GSR Golden Software Reference File Free GSR Apps
.GSR2 Golden Software Reference File Free GSR2 Apps
.GST MapInfo Geoset File Free GST Apps
.GTM GPS TrackMaker Data File Free GTM Apps
.GVSP Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight Project Free GVSP Apps
.GWS Geosoft Workspace File Free GWS Apps
.HDR ESRI BIL Header File Free HDR Apps
.HGT SRTM Elevation Data File Free HGT Apps
.IMD GIS Image Metadata File Free IMD Apps
.IMG Garmin Map File Free IMG Apps
.IMI Magellan Map File Free IMI Apps
.JGW JPEG World File Free JGW Apps
.JNX BirdsEye JNX Raster Map Free JNX Apps
.JPGW JPEG World File Free JPGW Apps
.JPR Fugawi Projection File Free JPR Apps
.JPW World File for JPEG Free JPW Apps
.LEN IMAGINE Lens Flare File Free LEN Apps
.LPK ArcGIS Layer Package Free LPK Apps
.MAP NAVIGON Map File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Mapjects Server Webparts File Free MAP Apps
.MDC Merkaartor Document Free MDC Apps
.MGM MGMaps File Free MGM Apps
.MID MapInfo Data File Free MID Apps
.MIF MapInfo Interchange Format File Free MIF Apps
.MMM MiraMon Maps File Free MMM Apps
.MMZ MiraMon Compressed Map File Free MMZ Apps
.MNH Master Navigator Header File Free MNH Apps
.MPK ArcGIS Map Package Free MPK Apps
.MPS Pocket Streets Map File Free MPS Apps
.MSD Map Service Definition File Free MSD Apps
.MWX MapGuide Author Map Window XML File Free MWX Apps
.MXD ArcGIS Map Document Free MXD Apps
.MXT ArcGIS Map Template Free MXT Apps
.NGT Noni GPSPlot Track File Free NGT Apps
.NM2 Navitel Map File Free NM2 Apps
.NM3 Navitel 5 Map File Free NM3 Apps
.NMAP NaviComputer Map File Free NMAP Apps
.NMC ArcGIS Explorer Map Content File Free NMC Apps
.NMF ArcGIS Explorer Map File Free NMF Apps
.NV2 Navionics Chart File Free NV2 Apps
.OBF OsmAnd Offline Map File Free OBF Apps
.OCD OCAD Map File Free OCD Apps
.OSB OpenStreetMap Binary Map File Free OSB Apps
.OSC OpenStreetMap Change File Free OSC Apps
.OSM OpenStreetMap Map File Free OSM Apps
.OV2 TomTom Points of Interest Database Free OV2 Apps
.PIN MNS Projection Information File Free PIN Apps
.PIX PCI Geomatics Database File Free PIX Apps
.PMF ESRI Published Map File Free PMF Apps
.PRM Route 66 Map File Free PRM Apps
.PTM MapPoint Map File Free PTM Apps
.PTT MapPoint Map Template Free PTT Apps
.QCT Memory-Map QuickChart File Free QCT Apps
.QGS QGIS Project File Free QGS Apps
.RDC IDRISI Raster Documentation File Free RDC Apps
.RDF ArcGIS Report Document File Free RDF Apps
.REF IDRISI Raster Image Reference File Free REF Apps
.RGN Garmin Regional Map File Free RGN Apps
.RMP Magellan Raster Map File Free RMP Apps
.RRD Reduced Resolution Dataset File Free RRD Apps
.RST IDRISI Raster Image Free RST Apps
.SAF Street Atlas USA Map File Free SAF Apps
.SBF Septentrio Binary File Free SBF Apps
.SBN GT-31 Binary Data File Free SBN Apps
.SBN ESRI Spatial Binary File Free SBN Apps
.SDF Spatial Data Format File Free SDF Apps
.SDM Spatial Data Modeling Language File Free SDM Apps
.SDW MrSID World File Free SDW Apps
.SEGY SEG-Y Data File Free SEGY Apps
.SGY SEG-Y Data File Free SGY Apps
.SHP ESRI Shapefile Free SHP Apps
.SLD Styled Layer Descriptor File Free SLD Apps
.SMM Map Manager Schema File Free SMM Apps
.SMP IDRISI Palette File Free SMP Apps
.SP3 NGS SP3 File Free SP3 Apps
.SSF Trimble Standard Storage Format File Free SSF Apps
.STT Streets & Trips Map Template Free STT Apps
.STYLE ArcGIS Style Manager File Free STYLE Apps
.SVP Subsurface Viewer Project Free SVP Apps
.SVX Survex Cavern Data File Free SVX Apps
.SXD ArcScene Document Free SXD Apps
.SYM TatukGIS Symbols File Free SYM Apps
.TAB MapInfo TAB File Free TAB Apps
.TFRD Tape Image Format Requirements Document Free TFRD Apps
.TFW World File for TIFF Free TFW Apps
.TH Therion Data File Free TH Apps
.TIMESTAMP Geodatabase Timestamp File Free TIMESTAMP Apps
.TPX DeLorme Topo Project File Free TPX Apps
.TTKGP TatukGIS Project File Free TTKGP Apps
.USR Lowrance GPS Data File Free USR Apps
.VCT IDRISI Vector Image Free VCT Apps
.VDC IDRISI Vector Documentation File Free VDC Apps
.VEC IDRISI Vector File Free VEC Apps
.WFD Wayfinder Map File Free WFD Apps
.WLD ESRI World File Free WLD Apps
.WLX MapSource Web Link File Free WLX Apps
.WOR MapInfo Workspace File Free WOR Apps
.XOL Swiss Map Overlay Free XOL Apps
Extension File Type Free Apps